Huey Long

Huey Long was a Louisiana governor, US Senator, and potential presidential candidate known for his “share the wealth” platform.”1In 1936, he was set to run against Franklin Roosevelt for the presidential position. Seeing Huey and “sharing the wealth” as a threat, President Roosevelt quickly incorporated some of Long’s ideas in the second “New Deal.”

Long’s Policies Still Live on Today with Government Social Programs

Senator Long felt it was necessary to spread the wealth for the betterment of the majority of people. At the time, most people were not well off. There was a small population of very rich citizens, but most others were suffering from the depression. So, his ideas appealed to all of the lower class citizens who wanted some of the wealth. They did not care how it got to them or who it was taken away from; they just wanted some of it. The acceptance of his beliefs by the majority of the country directly reflects the need for wealth and poor economic state of the 1930’s.

Due to his assassination in 1935, Senator Long did not directly have affects after this time period, but his policies did. President Roosevelt implemented several of his more popular “share the wealth” ideas during his second and third terms. Other political leaders still tend to follow his path.

Long was one of the first men to bring this “sharing the wealth” ideas to America. He also shows how when a country’s people feel like they need something right then and there, that they will do anything to get it without thinking of long term consequences. The importance of self-betterment was highlighted during this period due to the economic structure Long was presenting.

[1] “Huey Long Official Website | Biography, Quotes, Photos, Speeches.” Huey Long Official Website | Biography, Quotes, Photos, Speeches. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2012. <;.

About hannahdurbin

Sophomore. Patriot. Soccer player. Runner.
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