1932 Los Angles Olympics

Six months before these games were set to begin, not a single country had responded to the formal invitation[1]. The world was suffering greatly from the depression, and it showed by the lack of enthusiasm. The expense to travel to California seemed impossible to pay for some athletes. Eventually, countries started to reply. In the end, thirty-seven countries competed, but this was a decrease from the forty-six countries from the 1928 Olympic Games. This event and its lack of participation directly reflect the economic stress the world was under in the 1930’s.

During these games there was an athlete named Babe Didrikson. She won gold medals in the 80 meter hurdles and the javelin while breaking her own world records. She gained a great amount of recognition for women athletes everywhere. After the Olympics, Babe

Babe Didrikson Smashed the Competition at the 1932 Olympics

went on to break down barriers for female athletes and gain recognition for the women’s professional golf tour[2]. The 1932 Olympic Games highlighted Babe’s excellence and changed female athletics forever.

History was made during the 1932 Olympics, and not just from the athlete’s performances. The first ever Olympic Village was made for the athletes and a tradition was born[3]. Also, it goes to show how countries can come together despite great economic turmoil to compete and enjoy themselves for a bit.

[1] “History of the Olympics.” About.com 20th Century History. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. <http://history1900s.about.com/od/fadsfashion/a/olympics1932.htm&gt;.

[2] “Los Angeles 1932Olympic Games.” Los Angeles 1932 Olympic Games. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. <http://www.guy-sports.com/olympics/olympics_1932_los_angeles.htm&gt;.

[3] “The First-Ever Olympic Village Was Built in Los Angeles | History | Land of Sunshine | KCET.” KCET. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. <http://www.kcet.org/socal/departures/landofsunshine/history/the-first-ever-olympic-village-was-built-in-los-angeles.html&gt;.

About hannahdurbin

Sophomore. Patriot. Soccer player. Runner.
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